Reports and Entity Instance Name cause issues


I’ve been playing around with reports and I’ve been battling with and error about being unable to fetch an attribute from a detached entity.


The odd thing was I wasn’t using the attribute shown in the error message anywhere in the report.

The only thing I noticed about the attribute was that it was an attribute I used in the Instance Name for the Entity I was reporting on.

My query is why do I need to include the attributes used in the Entity Instance Name in my reports if I’m not using that attribute in the report?

How is a user to know what fields are in the Entity Instance Name to get their report working?

Here is a project to show the issue I’m having. (100.6 KB)

Start the app and go to Application -> Companies.
Edit a company and click the reports button
The report should fail.

If you edit the Entity Instance Name for the Company entity and remove “referenceCode” from the Instance Name then do the same steps above the report runs fine.

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Hello, thank you for your comment. It is a bug, indeed. Feel free to follow further updates related to this issue on GitHub.


Thanks for letting me know that. I shall follow the issue