Report module not loaded

I experience that the report module is not loaded. I do have lisence to use add-ons.
I have used some time now to create a solution and wanted to include report functionality. So, I checked report under project. Got the message that gradle build file will be changed. Pressed OK.
It starts working to load the module and updates the IDEA files. After 30 sek it completes. I start the application. Login in but no Menu item for Report. No errors og messages.

Here is the build.gradle file structure:

buildscript {
    ext.cubaVersion = '6.4.2'
    repositories {
        maven {
            url ''
            credentials {
                username(rootProject.hasProperty('repoUser') ? rootProject['repoUser'] : 'cuba')
                password(rootProject.hasProperty('repoPass') ? rootProject['repoPass'] : 'cuba123')
        maven {
            url ''
            credentials {
                username(rootProject.hasProperty('premiumRepoUser') ? rootProject['premiumRepoUser'] : System.getenv('CUBA_PREMIUM_USER'))
                password(rootProject.hasProperty('premiumRepoPass') ? rootProject['premiumRepoPass'] : System.getenv('CUBA_PREMIUM_PASSWORD'))
    dependencies {
        classpath "com.haulmont.gradle:cuba-plugin:$cubaVersion"

        classpath "com.haulmont.cuba:cuba-global:$cubaVersion"
        classpath "com.haulmont.fts:fts-global:$cubaVersion"
        classpath "com.haulmont.charts:charts-global:$cubaVersion"
        classpath "com.haulmont.reports:reports-global:$cubaVersion"


def globalModule = project(':app-global')
def webThemesModule= project(':app-web-themes')
def coreModule = project(':app-core')
def guiModule = project(':app-gui')
def webModule = project(':app-web')
def polymerClientModule = project(':app-polymer-client')

def servletApi = 'org.apache.tomcat:tomcat-servlet-api:8.0.26'

apply(plugin: 'idea')
apply(plugin: 'cuba')

cuba {
    artifact {
        group = 'com.fleetmanager'
        version = '0.1'
        isSnapshot = true
    tomcat {
        dir = "$project.rootDir/deploy/tomcat"

def postgres = 'org.postgresql:postgresql:9.4.1212'

configure([globalModule, coreModule, guiModule, webModule]) {
    apply(plugin: 'java')
    apply(plugin: 'maven')
    apply(plugin: 'idea')
    apply(plugin: 'cuba')

    dependencies {

    task sourceJar(type: Jar) {
        from file('src')
        classifier = 'sources'

    artifacts {
        archives sourceJar

configure(globalModule) {
    task enhance(type: CubaEnhancing)
configure(webThemesModule) {
    apply(plugin: 'java')
    apply(plugin: 'maven')
    apply(plugin: 'cuba')

    appModuleType = 'web-themes'

    buildDir = file('../build/scss-themes')

    sourceSets {
        main {
            java {
                srcDir '.'
            resources {
                srcDir '.'

configure(coreModule) {

    configurations {

    dependencies {


    task cleanConf(description: 'Cleans up conf directory') << {
        def dir = new File(cuba.tomcat.dir, '/conf/app-core')
        if (dir.isDirectory()) {
            ant.delete(includeemptydirs: true) {
                fileset(dir: dir, includes: '**/*', excludes: '')

    task deploy(dependsOn: [assemble, cleanConf], type: CubaDeployment) {
        appName = 'app-core'
        appJars('app-global', 'app-core')

    task createDb(dependsOn: assembleDbScripts, description: 'Creates local database', type: CubaDbCreation) {
        dbms = 'postgres'
        host = 'localhost'
        dbName = 'fleetmanager'
        dbUser = 'cuba'
        dbPassword = 'cuba'

    task updateDb(dependsOn: assembleDbScripts, description: 'Updates local database', type: CubaDbUpdate) {
        dbms = 'postgres'
        host = 'localhost'
        dbName = 'fleetmanager'
        dbUser = 'cuba'
        dbPassword = 'cuba'

configure(guiModule) {
    dependencies {


    task deployConf(type: Copy) {
        from file('src')
        include "com/fleetmanager/**"
        into "$cuba.tomcat.dir/conf/app"

configure(webModule) {
    configurations {

    dependencies {

    task webArchive(type: Zip) {
        from file("$buildDir/web")
        from file('web')
        classifier = 'web'

    artifacts {
        archives webArchive

    task deployConf(type: Copy) {
        from file('src')
        include "com/fleetmanager/**"
        into "$cuba.tomcat.dir/conf/app"

    task clearMessagesCache(type: CubaClearMessagesCache) {
        appName = 'app'
    deployConf.dependsOn clearMessagesCache

    task cleanConf(description: 'Cleans up conf directory') << {
        def dir = new File(cuba.tomcat.dir, '/conf/app')
        if (dir.isDirectory()) {
            ant.delete(includeemptydirs: true) {
                fileset(dir: dir, includes: '**/*', excludes: '')

    task deploy(dependsOn: [assemble, cleanConf], type: CubaDeployment) {
        appName = 'app'
        appJars('app-global', 'app-gui', 'app-web')
    task buildScssThemes(type: CubaWebScssThemeCreation)
    task deployThemes(type: CubaDeployThemeTask, dependsOn: buildScssThemes)
    assemble.dependsOn buildScssThemes

configure(polymerClientModule) {
    apply(plugin: 'cuba')
    apply(plugin: 'idea')

    task installBowerPackages(type: NodeTask, dependsOn: npmInstall) {
        script = file("node_modules/bower/bin/bower")
        args = ['install','-F']
        inputs.file "bower.json"
        outputs.dir "bower_components"

    task assemble(type: NodeTask, dependsOn: installBowerPackages) {
        script = file("node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp.js")
        args = ['build']
        inputs.dir "./"
        outputs.dir "build"

    task servePolymer(type: NodeTask, dependsOn: assemble) {
        script = file("node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp.js")
        args = ['serve']

    task deploy(type: Copy, dependsOn: assemble) {
        from file('build/bundled')
        into "$cuba.tomcat.dir/webapps/app-front"

task undeploy(type: Delete, dependsOn: ':app-web:cleanConf') {

task restart(dependsOn: ['stop', ':app-core:deploy', ':app-web:deploy'], description: 'Redeploys applications and restarts local Tomcat') << {
    ant.waitfor(maxwait: 6, maxwaitunit: 'second', checkevery: 2, checkeveryunit: 'second') {
        not {
            socket(server: 'localhost', port: '8787')

task wrapper(type: Wrapper) {
    gradleVersion = '3.1'

apply from: 'extra.gradle'

task jelasticBuildWar(type: CubaWarBuilding) {
    coreContextXmlPath = 'modules/core/web/META-INF/jelastic-context.xml'
    appHome = '..'
    webXmlPath = 'modules/web/web/WEB-INF/single-war-web.xml'
    appProperties = ['cuba.automaticDatabaseUpdate' : true]
    includeJdbcDriver = true
    includeContextXml = true

task jelasticDeployWar(type: CubaJelasticDeploy, dependsOn: jelasticBuildWar) {
    email = rootProject.hasProperty('jelasticEmail') ? rootProject['jelasticEmail'] : ''
    password = rootProject.hasProperty('jelasticPassword') ? rootProject['jelasticPassword'] : ''
    hostUrl = ''
    environment = 'my-env-1'

I solved this by creating a new project and copy the source from old project to new project.