i tried to create an relatedEntities component that excludes more than one property, but unfortunately when acting like described in the docs:
The exclude attribute enables excluding some of the related entities from the drop-down list. The value of the property is a list of reference attributes of the current entity, separated by commas.
No property is excluded at all.
Here’s an example:
Order → Customer
Order → City
Order → State
In the orders table i have the following relatedEntities component:
thanks - I’ll give it a try. To give you an idea behind this somewhat weird question - here are the “five why’s”:
I actually want to declare the other form: includes: “customer”
The reason for that is that i actually want a shortcut for one of the associations
The reason for this is, that the “related” button is too generic (for a lot of non-CS based people). Instead i would like to give the people a direct button to jump directly to one of the relations that has a specific icon & specific description - and i additionally want to reuse the feature of related entities
To achieve 3. i ended up with the following somewhat strange solution:
i created a button (id=“specificBtn”) with a specific icon and description
i created the related entites component with visible=false
i searched for the right action from the WebRelatedEntities component instance and set the action for the “specificBtn” with the result of the search
This does the trick, but perhaps you might already know where this is going. Personally i find that the related entities component is a really, really cool feature. But unfortunately it does not have a straight API so that it is easy to create a custom UI so that it is useable in other ways. One way is the described above, another one i wrote down here: Using related Entities component in editor - CUBA.Platform
Perhaps this is a good input for you to think about generalize this cool feature.