Quick-start-project problem with dependensies

Hi, team!

Can`t build new project:

Could not resolve: io.jmix.core:jmix-core-starter:0.2.0
Could not resolve: io.jmix.data:jmix-data-starter:0.2.0
Could not resolve: io.jmix.ui:jmix-ui-starter:0.2.0
Could not resolve: io.jmix.ui:jmix-ui-data-starter:0.2.0
Could not resolve: io.jmix.ui:jmix-ui-themes-compiled:0.2.0
Could not resolve: io.jmix.ui:jmix-ui-widgets-compiled:0.2.0
Could not resolve: io.jmix.security:jmix-security-starter:0.2.0
Could not resolve: io.jmix.security:jmix-security-ui-starter:0.2.0
Could not resolve: io.jmix.security:jmix-security-data-starter:0.2.0
Could not resolve: io.jmix.localfs:jmix-localfs-starter:0.2.0
Could not resolve: org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web:2.4.0
Could not resolve: org.hsqldb:hsqldb:2.5.1
Could not resolve: org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-test:2.4.0

Have tried both repositories (bintray and backup).


Thank you for trying Jmix.
We are aware of this issue and working on it.
Try to build the project from terminal right after its creation:

./gradlew bootJar

If it works, then the import in IDE will work too.


I had the same issue, and just click the ‘run’ button, it will download all the dependencies and start the app!

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