This is intended to report a potentially small bug and to ask a related question.
In Studio, I created a mapped superclass extending StandardEntity. I also have a bunch of entities which extend that superclass. Everything seems to be working fine. I also created a listener for the superclass using Studio functionality and it successfully created the listener with a blank onBeforeInsert method which I filled in.
My question is whether there are any potential problems with this setup? My understanding is that in principle, listeners on mappedsuperclasses are allowed. I found one posting on this (jakarta ee - Entity listener on a @MappedSuperclass does not work? - Stack Overflow) which links to an EclipseLink bug report that seems to have been fixed. But even if it is allowed, are there any reasons you can see why it might not be a good idea?
The potential bug is as follows, assuming that listeners on mapped superclasses are in fact allowed. Studio did not automatically put the @Listener annotation on the superclass when I added the Listener. Previously whenever I added a Listener to an actual entity, Studio always added the @Listener annotation. This is not a particularly big deal because I just added the annotation myself and it works fine and I noticed it immediately. However, I can see it causing developer confusion if it is not noticed right away.