Proxy Server Problems

Hi there,

I am behind a proxy server. And I would like to use Cuba.platform, but I can not use it in the place, where I am…

I have no idea, how to solve the problem, how to configure and so on…

Maybe you can tell me, or give some tutorials, where I can find out.
Because I would really like to use this framework.

Thanks a lot

If you are on Windows, open This PC (Context menu) > Properties > Advanced System Settings > Environment variables and add the following variable:


Value: "-Dhttp.proxyHost=" "-Dhttp.proxyPort=3128" "-Dhttps.proxyHost=" "-Dhttps.proxyPort=3128"

Change your proxy address and port accordingly.

Hi Konstantin,

it still not work…

I did the same way like you describe, I add a system variable in windows with this name. Then I start cuba studio and try to create new project and write the name of the project.

It loads and then I get this problem: unable to create project…

But the name of the project, which was “unable to create” is still shown on the browser under “projects”, when I click on it, it comes:

Repositiory containing cuba artefacts which can not be find …

If I am on my home network, it goes, when I am at office, I get this problems. I dont know what I can do, its in fact a good framework

Try to execute a simple Java program connecting to the repository - it is attached. If it connects, Studio and Gradle should work too. (11.0 KB)

Thanks Konstantin, I already solved this problem. I got some information how to make the settings in my office.