Project not compiling after purchase of license

Hi there.
I started a project some time ago, and as cuba did hte job pretty well, i decided to reward by purchasing a 1 year license. (really, grats guys, for this nice product)
Activated the license, opened the project, activated the charts plugin to have some fun and i was never able to compile again.
Gradle keeps on complaining about missing modules it cannot access
org.gradle.internal.resolve.ModuleVersionResolveException: No cached version of com.haulmont.gradle:cuba-plugin:6.8.1 available for offline mode.

Please help…

By the way, creating a new project seems to work. I however need to have the current project to run asap as i need to deliver a demo rapidly.

Thanks for any hint.

Hi ‘Cuba’

Please switch off the ‘offline mode’ in your Studio - than the studio can resolve the missing libs.
(When you open the Studio - go to ‘Settings’ tab sheet’)



Thanks for your response. That was my problem. I don’t know why it was set, maybe i did change it one day.
Anyway, i’m now ready to enjoy the full power of my unleashed cuba…
It is going to be a great day.