Is there a way to add filter search conditions from the code to the screen without using the “Add Search Conditions” on the actual screen?
Unfortunately, the generic filter component doesn’t have a convenient API. However, you can to work with it programmatically if you just assign a proper XML, for example:
private Filter filter;
private Metadata metadata;
private UserSessionSource userSessionSource;
public void onAddConditionClick(Button.ClickEvent event) {
FilterEntity filterEntity = metadata.create(FilterEntity.class);
"<filter>\n" +
" <and>\n" +
" <c name=\"date\" class=\"java.time.LocalDateTime\" operatorType=\"EQUAL\" width=\"1\" type=\"PROPERTY\"><![CDATA[ = :component$filter.date02956]]>\n" +
" <param name=\"component$filter.date02956\" javaClass=\"java.time.LocalDateTime\">NULL</param>\n" +
" </c>\n" +
" </and>\n" +
The XML for conditions can be copied from an existing filter: create a filter at runtime, then go to Administration -> Entity Inspector, select “Filter (sec$Filter)” entity, find a row corresponding to your filter and copy its XML field content.
ok, thanks. I will try