Problem With Locales


I created a new application (Platform version 6.9.1) and I’m using two locales (English and Portuguese). I downloaded the Portuguese message files from GitHub and put in the project. But the translation for Portuguese is is not fully working. In the attached image you can see that only the table header is being translated.


I have two other applications also with English and Portuguese that are working just fine. I did the same steps for this new application, but I can’t find what I did wrong.

Any suggestions?

Thank you,


Hi Claudio,

In the latest CUBA version, the gui module is not mandatory for a web application. Nevertheless, the messages from gui are still required, so you need to create a gui folder in com.haulmont.cuba package of your web module, and all missing messages will be picked:


Thank you for discovering the problem, we will mention it in the documentation.

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Hello Olga,

Perfect, it’s working now!

Thank you,
