"Powered by Cuba Platform"

Hello, I am evaluating Cuba-Platform for my company and a question that has come up is if the “Powered by Cuba Platform” that appears at the bottom of the login screen is able to be removed.

Is this just a restriction of the free version, and once a commercial license is bought it can be removed?

2016-11-05 02_48_37-ExpoBoss Login

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Hi Thomas,

no it’s not a restriction. Its just the default setting in 6.3+ (as described in the CHANGELOG).

You can just disabled it via the application property: cuba.web.loginDialogPoweredByLinkVisible


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Thanks, for the quick reply!

Maybe the text could be a additional application property like a loginDialogPoweredByText.
I would like to show there "Powered by and ".
Just a simple idea!


Hi Mario,
I have the same problem.
And I added that line to app.properties

cuba.web.loginDialogPoweredByLinkVisible= false

and on my login screen for “poweredByLink” I checked out the “visible” checkbox.
But still visible. Any solution for that?

Hm, just try to clean cache.

Unfortunately it didn’t help. Neither in Build -> Clean and neither in browser’s clean.

Did you add this line into the app.properties file or web-app.properties?

app.properties which I found here:


And include things like these:

#                              Configuration                                  #
cuba.springContextConfig = +com/company/myproject/spring.xml
cuba.persistenceConfig = +com/company/myproject/persistence.xml
cuba.metadataConfig = +com/company/myproject/metadata.xml
cuba.viewsConfig = +com/company/myproject/views.xml

That’s the issue, move it to the web-app.properties under the web module, and it will work

# Web session inactivity timeout in seconds
cuba.httpSessionExpirationTimeoutSec = 1800
cuba.web.theme = halo
cuba.availableLocales = English|en
cuba.localeSelectVisible = false
cuba.web.loginDialogPoweredByLinkVisible= false
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Okay, it works thanks!
I thought application properties is app.properties… :smiley:
Documentation neither told which is that.

However, it says: Used in the Web Client block. :smiley:

That is not really clear I think :D,
But okay, nothing doing
Thank you so much for your help :slight_smile:

in reply to Dany Eudes and other interested, it is indeed possible to customize that string by overriding the cuba.poweredBy string found in src/com/haulmont/cuba/web/messages.properties.
You could set that property by including a messages.properties file in that location under your own project structure, or by simply overriding it in the application’s messages.properties (or a localized one). In Studio is the so called main message pack under the Generic UI section.


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