I saw that when is not yet documented, there is posible to send a batch of entities at the same tiem, but i have a couple of question about it since there is not documentation. This post is transsactional?, I mean all data is save it under the same commit, so or every entity get its o no ones does?. It it posible to insert under a view, so you can make an insertion with a owner and all his pets(petclinic example)?
Right now each entity will be saved in its own transaction, but probably that’s not good. I’ve created the issue to perform the batch commit in a single transaction.
As for saving the related entities with the main one, only properties with the @Composition annotation will be saved. There is an example in the documentation.
Thank you for your awser, I wil use persistence transaction for know, i guess this make all inside of it a transacction. But yeah for me its wrong, should be a single transaccion.