Hi Support
Our app has both a traditional web ui and a polymer client ui. I’ve read through the CUBA polymer documentation regarding hot-deploy but can’t get it to work. I have to restart the application via studio for any changes to take place.
I’ve tried changing all of the different suggestions and nothing works. I came across a comment in the 6.7 docs that mention la k of transpiler support. We are using TypeScript in the polymer component and gulp-typescript.
Currently any additional build step will not work with STUDIO hot deploy out of the box. I suggest you to integrate polyserve to your gulp build pipeline.
BTW can you shed some light on your typescript setup? Typescript support is one of our major priorities for the next release.
P.S. Polymer team just released 1.0.0 version of polymer-decorators. And typings were added in rc version of Polymer 2