Polymer functionality supports in CUBA

It’s a very good enhancement for CUBA. I have few questions about it.
Will Support offline mode? Can we use all the components we have today in CUBA here? How user friendly is while using 3rd party components?

If you please share a small demo app that will be great. Say, a simple product catalog with pictures and product category, product specification, Oder entry.

Hi Mortoza,

Offline mode

One of the approaches we consider for offline mode is Service Worker API.

To enable service worker generation change build.gradle in the following way:

task assemble(type: NodeTask, dependsOn: installBowerPackages) {
        script = file("node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp.js")
        args = ['build']


task assemble(type: NodeTask, dependsOn: installBowerPackages) {
        script = file("node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp.js")
        args = ['build-sw']

Attention to build ? build-sw.

It will produce service-worker.js in a build time according to configuration in sw-precache-config.js file using sw-precache library.

Please note that service workers currently supported in a limited number of browsers.


You cannot use the same components as in CUBA Generic UI since it’s a completely different technology. Instead you can use web components, see https://www.webcomponents.org/

Demo app

We will definitely provide a sample app in a while. Currently our top priorities are API stabilization and documentation.

Thank you, and those links are good info base. Eager to explore more with the upcoming sample and documentations.