I would like to point out to problem at your homepage. This is by all means not a critique, I like what I see for now.
I have attempted to download the trial version of CUBA Studio and Premium Add-ons from Jmix Store , because I would like to check the BProc add-on.
After selecting the “FREE TRIAL” option via button, a form is presented asking for details, including the credit card info. Checked BProc and Maps. When entering credit card info, paypal option is presented.
Selecting paypal leads to paypal login, and then paypal refuses to process https://i.imgur.com/sGPWXCT.png
Maybe its the “We will charge a nominal amount of 1 cent to validate your payment source.
No other charges will be made.” ?
In any case, my advice is against asking credit card info to download trial products, nobody does that, usually only registration details are required.
Hopefully you can help me get the trial and resolve the problem.
Kind regars,