Parawhere filter

Hi there.
How can I use a parametrized query in the parawhere tag of a filter? I need to get a list of a values to show from another entity list.

If I write the following code it works:

<property name="testCode" caption="Code" paramWhere="{E}.code IN ('0123')))"/>

But I need to select a list of values from another table/entity based on a parameter.
In SQL this is what I need:
(SELECT code FROM E WHERE code IN (SELECT c FROM table2 WHERE c.user = 'asdasd'))

How can I do this with JPQL?

The Filter component doesn’t have convenient extension points to to provide you such customization.

But if you really need this feature, and your “testCode” is an entity - then maybe my sample project will help you:

It contains example of overriding several Filter-related classes to be able to specify custom data loading for the entity drop-down field in the filter.