I transferred my sample Jmix&BPM solution in IntelliJ IDEA from one server to another server, using save project, copy&paste project folder and open project.
All is OK, but I have troubles with BPM.
Modeler is opened without errors, I could edit process, deploy it, I’ve got error when I try to save draft:
This error means that the table does not exist.
Make sure that the database has been properly updated without errors.
E.g. run Data stores -> Main Data Store -> Update Database in the CUBA project tree.
Also if this is a not database with important data and the data can be cleared, then run Data stores -> Main Data Store -> Create Database action to re-create all schema from scratch. It can help.
Hi, Alexander @albudarov ,
thanks a lot for your help, Data stores -> Main Data Store -> Recreate helped to solve the problem.
First, I run Data stores -> Main Data Store -> Update Database, it doesn’t help.
When I recreated all DB schemas, of course all table data dissappeared. By the way, is it possible to unload data from HSQLDB somewhere and then load again after recreating?
HSQLDB database is stored in the file system, in the deploy/hsqldb sub-folder of the project.
You can connect to this database with any SQL client supporting HSQLDB, e.g. with DBeaver, by specifying a file URL, i.e. jdbc:hsqldb:file:<filepath>
@albudarov Alexander, thanks a lot for your answer. It’s very helpful, because for e.g. now I need to delete all hanged-on tasks because of BPM process errors, I will try to delete them in DB.