Oracle System user in Data Store properties window

Here is Data Store config window for Oracle database:


Would you please explain what is intention for setting Oracle system user / password here? What operations will be performed on behalf of system? And what if DBA prevents using this account by developers?


You can see it in the cuba-gradle-plugin.
The ‘oracleSystemUser’ is used to create a java.sql.Connection (java.sql.DriverManager#getConnection(String url, String user, String password)).

Using this connection, a database is created.

See (use oracleSystemUser): cuba-gradle-plugin/CubaDbCreation.groovy at master · cuba-platform/cuba-gradle-plugin · GitHub
See (configureOracle): cuba-gradle-plugin/CubaDbCreation.groovy at master · cuba-platform/cuba-gradle-plugin · GitHub

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