OptionsList displays empty row with multiselect=false

In your Demo sampler for OptionsList there are 4 examples: 3 of them have an empty row on top of the list (all 3 have multiselect property set to false). The last example is for multiselect=true and looks ok (without an empty row). How can I achieve to display the optionslist without the empty row on top, but multiselect = false?

Thank you very much.

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Hi, Sorin.

Unfortunately, there is no such ability in the platform. We are going to fix it. See the linked youtrack issue.

As a workaround, you can write the following code in the screen controller to display the OptionsList without the empty row on top

private OptionsList optionList;

public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {

It’s ok.

Thank you

:ticket: See the following issue in our bug tracker:
