Open editor of included Entity from another entity editor

hello, i found the next problem, which you can see in my sample project
On screen “CartEdit” we put goods into “Cart”, where the list of added goods we can see in the table
And I would like to how can I open good’s editor from this table with mouse double click?

I will very grateful for your fast answer!
Regards, Oleg (94.2 KB)

Hello @olegmps2014,

The Table responds to double click by trying to find and execute the following actions:

  • itemClickActionset using the Table#settemClickAction method;
  • action, assigned to Enter key press by setting its shortcut property;
  • action named “edit”;
  • action named “view”.

If one of these actions is found and it is enabled, it is executed.

Your table of goods does not contain any of the above actions. You should add edit action and a button for this action to the Table:

<table id="goodsTable" dataContainer="goodsDc" width="100%" height="200px">
        <action id="add" type="add"/>
        <action id="edit" type="edit"/>
        <action id="exclude" type="exclude"/>
        <column id="name"/>
        <column id="cipher"/>
        <button action="goodsTable.add"/>
        <button action="goodsTable.edit"/>
        <button action="goodsTable.exclude"/>


@durygin thank you for your reply, but I have one more question:
How can I do the openned entry only for reading - user could not edit openned entry?

@olegmps2014, in this case, you should use the view action.


@durygin But there is no such action in the list

@olegmps2014, I am sorry, you are right, the ViewAction was added only from 7.2 platform version.

For the 7.1 version of the platform you need to make your implementation of the ViewAction:

XML descriptor

<table id="goodsTable" dataContainer="goodsDc" width="100%" height="200px">
        <action id="add" type="add"/>
        <action id="exclude" type="exclude"/>
        <action id="view" trackSelection="true"/>
        <column id="name"/>
        <column id="cipher"/>
        <button action="goodsTable.add"/>
        <button action="goodsTable.exclude"/>
        <button action="goodsTable.view" caption="View" icon="font-icon:EYE"/>

Screen controller

public class CartEdit extends StandardEditor<Cart> {

    private Table<Goods> goodsTable;
    private ScreenBuilders screenBuilders;

    public void onGoodsTableView(Action.ActionPerformedEvent event) {
        Goods editedGoods = goodsTable.getSingleSelected();
        if (editedGoods != null) {
            Screen goodsEditor = screenBuilders.editor(goodsTable)

            ComponentsHelper.walkComponents(goodsEditor.getWindow(), (component, name) -> {
                if (component instanceof Component.Editable) {
                    ((Component.Editable) component).setEditable(false);

                if (component instanceof ActionsHolder) {
                    ((ActionsHolder) component).getActions()
                            .forEach(action -> action.setEnabled(false));



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@durygin thank you for advice, I suppose I’ll update to platform 7.2 and already add ViewAction