Open a new Window in browser with components - v7

We have a system that takes orders from clients in various formats (PDF, docx, etc.). We enter those orders and fulfill them to the client’s specifications.

I have taken the XrayImage code from the Pet Clinic example and implemented it in my code. It works very well. I then wrote code that takes the image being displayed and brings it into its own tab (OpenMode.NEW_WINDOW). Code looks like this:

orderImagesTable.getSelected().stream().forEach(fileDescriptor -> {
    Orderimagewindow newScreen = screenBuilders.screen(this)

What I would really like to do is take that image and bring it into an entirely new Browser window. This way my users could put the data on one screen and the image on another, facilitating data entry.

I have found the NewWindowButton, but that creates a new window from the MainWindow. Is there a way to create a given screen in an entirely new browser window?


You can do that by changing the API call against the exportDisplay interface here: cuba-petclinic-working-with-images/ at master · cuba-guides/cuba-petclinic-working-with-images · GitHub

Remove the exportFormat attribute should do the trick since ocet stream enforces the download option in the browser…

