Open a dialog screen in login page

Hello All, i have a migrated project to 7.2 version of Cuba, and refactoring the security scope of my project I had a question. How can I open a screen as Dialog during the login process?I just managed to do this, opening it as ROOT, setting the ROUTE annotation on the screen controller.

Thanks for the help

Hi @rafaelratacheski,

Try to force dialog mode in your screen:

<dialogMode forceDialog="true" .../>

Or maybe take a look at UrlParamsChangedEvent. You may be able to change how the screen is opened there.



When I set forceDialog “true”, the access to the screen is denied. However if I remove the tag and open it as ROOT, it opens normally.

Hi @rafaelratacheski,

If so, it seems that you need to review the permissions for your user roles.

This is a strange behaviour. If the user does not have permission to the screen, it should be denied when opening it as ROOT as well.



I need access to occur on the login screen, that is, there is no user registered in the session, access being denied due to
role ‘system-minimal’. My question is how to make this screen open in dialog mode on the login screen, even before the session is created.

Hi @rafaelratacheski,

I think I’m not understanding what you want to do… Is Anonymous Access to Screens what you need then?

If so, take a look at the 4th step:

  1. Enable Info screen for anonymous users: start the application, go to Administration > Roles and enable access to the Info screen for the Anonymous role.

Maybe adding your screen to the role assigned to Anonymous user is what is missing.


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this worked!

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