Null value for dynamic attributes causes exception

When creating/updating records through REST, I’ve found that an exception is thrown when ALL of the provided dynamic attributes are null. The operation succeeds when at least one of them has a non-null value.

Example json body:

{“comments”:“good job”,"+Attribute1":null,"+Attribute2":null,"+Attribute3":null,“assignedAsset”:{“id”:“3251891a-955a-4514-a2db-383f684b0b9b”},“category”:{“id”:“2EE3326D-7D4E-4E99-8CF6-02E71E6A6064”}}

Exception thrown by:, line 89 Preconditions.checkState(dynamicAttributes != null, “Dynamic attributes should be loaded explicitly”)

Hi, what platform version do you use? We have an issue that tells that setting the null value doesn’t work (Cannot set null value to dynamic attribute with the REST API · Issue #47 · cuba-platform/restapi · GitHub), but it shouldn’t raise an exception.