NPE on opening legacy edit screen (migration from v6 to v7.2)

Hi, I am trying to migrate my cuba platform v6 project to the latest v7.2.
All my screens and datasources are still legacy v6 type.

I get the following NullPointerException when trying to open open an Entity editor from my DataGrid’s edit action. Would be grateful for any hints why this is not working!

javax.persistence.PersistenceException: java.lang.NullPointerException
    	at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.QueryImpl.getSingleResult( 


  • Catalina.out
    catalina.out.txt (42.4 KB)

  • concert-manage.xml: XML for the screen from which I am trying to open Edit screen (edit action of the ConcertUnitTable Datagrid)
    concert-manage.xml (40.2 KB)

  • concert-unit-edit.xml: XML for the Edit Screen I am trying to open.
    concert-unit-edit.xml (14.6 KB)

Ok for some reason, re-defining the view for the entity I was trying to edit solved the issue…