New Theme Availability


There are no predefined styles yet to show lines, but you can easily implement them, e.g.:

.c-table-composition.has-borders {
    $table-inner-border: he-table-border(--table-inner-border-color);

    .v-table-caption-container {
      border-left: $table-inner-border;

    .v-table-cell-content:not(:first-child) {
      border-left: $table-inner-border;

    .v-table-table {
      .v-table-row-odd {
        &:not(:first-child) td {
          border-top: $table-inner-border;

Where has-borders is a custom stylename that must be added to the table component.


Hi Gleb, thanks. It works.
So, the only way is create custom styles? There is not possibility to custom default features? There is a guide to know how to create my own stylename with other customization? For example to change foreground, font, size etc?
With hover style I know how create custom stylename. For example I defined a red textfield with the follow features:

 .name-field-red {
    background-color: #E38E8E;
    text-align: center;
    font-size: 18px;
    color: white;
    font-family: Vivaldi;

If I try to add this code in helium-ext.scss file, it works only for the text-align feature. The others are overwritten by the standard features of the helium textfields. So, can I do the same thing with helium UI? Probably in my application I need to custom not only components colors but also other features.
Thanks in advance.


Indeed, you can implement custom styles for any component. The styles you provided work for me:

Screenshot 2020-05-06 at 11.49.31

Of course, due to helium specific, some styles written for the other themes may need some changes. In order to implement correct styles, I would recommend using Browser Developer Tools to inspect specific component and see what styles it has (see the screenshot), but it’s general HTML/CSS staff.
