need instuction for deployment of WAR file step-by-step in latest version of tomcat server

I created single version of war file named “app.war” after modifying build.gradel and followed all the instructions.

However when i tried to deploy it in latest version of tomcat server , it does not start.
lot of time i spent in searching for solution. but did not get any.
I have configured my app for mysql db and i urgently need step by step instructions for deploying the created WAR file in a seperate tomcat server.

Please can any body give step by step instuction for building and deploying the single version of war file for cuba application in a seperate tomcat server.

Thanks in advance




can you explain a little what the problem is?
Does the war file get created at all? Does the container logs errors in the catalina.out / your defined log file? Ist java 8 installed on the system running tomcat (i had that once and it turns out not really an error gets logged but it would not start). Can you share the log files?


I have similar question. Tomcat is installed by default using apt-get. Only file with users/roles was updated to login. Everything else is by default but app-core can not start.

Please see the documentation here: WAR deployment to Tomcat Windows Service - CUBA Platform. Developer’s Manual

I have a similar issue.
I am able to generate the single war file by following the above link.
I placed this app.war in installed tomcat dir inside webapps folder then started my tomcat but its not getting extracted and not getting deployed/started.

I am using tomcat 8.5. IF the problem is with tomcat version what version should i install.
i am building mt application on cuba 6.5.5 version

Resolved… Thanks