I’m using Studo v14.3 with a MySQL database. I’ve been running fine with previous versions however after the upgrade I am having difficulty with the MySQL connection. I have a username and password entered in the datastore settings, however on Test Connection it is always trying with use password as ‘NO’ which doesn’t work.
Screenshot of settings and error attached
If I remove the password for the user it connects, but don’t think that is the right solution
Studio now uses MariaDB connector when connecting to both MySQL and MariaDB databases. It is no longer required to download MySQL proprietary driver in order to use MySQL with the Studio. In case if using MySQL driver is essential for some reason, it can be enabled by adding the disableMariaDbDriver parameter to the connection string.
Try to add this parameter to the list of connection params to switch back to MySQL proprietary driver.
Just some further information on the above as I’ve had a few connection issues and wanted to list them in case it is any assistance to anyone else who sees this thread:
I had installed a later version of MySQL and I needed to set the authentication type to Standard and not caching_sha2_password for the DB user. The using authentication ‘NO’ I was seeing seemed to be related to that problem.
The connection settings in app.properties if you use the recommended Application DB connection type mean that an UberJar deployment use those credentials rather than the jetty-env configuration files. Not sure if there is a way round this? I needed to switch it to JNDI in the end