Multiple Step-through screens for one entity

Hello Cuba team,

I’m attempting to figure out how to create multiple screens on a first step, second step, etc. basis for a single theoretical entity. I’m attempting this using blank screens, adding a data entity, and using screenbuilders to go from one screen to the next. The biggest question as of now, is how to keep the same entity instance in use while stepping through the different screens? There has to be a directive to commit fields from one screen, and pass the same entity to the next screen, right?

I would have to control the required fields manually in the controller files for these screens, but the first step to figuring this out is to figure out staying on the same entity while stepping through screens.

Please let me know if my question is confusing and I would be happy to explain differently.


Hi Adam,

from what you wrote you it sounds like you might be interested in looking into the Wizard addon.


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Thanks Mario,

I’ll check this out and see if it meets the needs of my project.


Hello again Mario,

I’m getting confused. The example project for this will not load in IntelliJ correctly. Does the example need to be updated? I just don’t know how to use the add-on. I can’t find instructions so far.

It’s giving me the following error:

Could not GET ''. Received status code 502 from server: Bad Gateway
Disable Gradle 'offline mode' and sync project

I’d appreciate any help you might be able to provide.

Thanks again,

I think Bintray was shut down or similar. I have no idea how to fix it and get the add-on, but I’m pretty sure I remember reading Bintray isn’t a thing anymore.

Hey Jon,

Thanks, and yep, you are correct. I should have stated that. Haha. I was tip-toeing around that to get some help without being too forward. I appreciate your reply, though.

Thanks again,