Multiple sets of screens from one entity

Hello CUBA team!

I’m struggling trying to get this working. I’m required to create two sets of Browse
/Edit screens from a single entity.

My entity is called ‘Project’. My first set of screens are ‘Project Browse’ and ‘Project Edit’. When I add a new view and set of screens called ‘Internal Review’ from my ‘Project’ entity, the Browse screen shows up correctly, but when I edit an entry, it loads the ‘Project Edit’ screen, instead of the ‘Internal Review Edit’ screen.

Is this possible? I would really appreciate help to get this working.


Hi @adam5sbass,

Take a look at Opening Screens in the manual.

As you are using a standard edit action, by default the screen <entity_name>.edit will be used. Two possible options are:

  1. Intercept the standard edit button action (and open the screen you want)
  2. Create a custom edit action to open your screen.



Thank you! Going through the Opening Screens section gave me the action I needed to take!