Multi Tabbed Form

Hey guys,

I am looking for a way to create a multi tabbed form all for the same entity. For example, Employee’s Basic Info, there are personal info, contact info, work info, etc…

How can I put every category in a different tab, but all to the same entity. Or at least how can I sub categorize each part alone on the same page.

Thank you in advance,

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sure this will work.
Just create a tabsheet in the edit screen of your entity with different tabs in it. In each tab you can create a fieldGroup and place the different attributes of the entity into it.


Thank you so much Mario

It worked out beautifully

@Cuba-Team: I think it would be great, if such an multi tabbed edit screen could automatically by the screen generator. But therefore it must be possible to group “view fields” or properties to “view field groups”. I saw this feature in another product :-).

That’s a good idea, we’ll consider it for our roadmap - see the linked issue.

:ticket: See the following issue in our bug tracker: