Missing attributes in REST-API GET

I am using POSTMAN to test rest-api but surprisingly, I am missing any new field I have created recently.

As per the user guide, I understand local and persistent attributes are returned in GET command by default. The fields I have created later is a local and persistent attribite of the Entity : Employee but it is not found in the result.

Here is the Entity where you will find two local fields: attendLatitude, attenLongitude

Here is my GET command:


Here is the result:

    "_entityName": "erp$Employee",
    "_instanceName": "BPK 001353 Md. Aminul Islam Chowdhury",
    "id": "ef5c0b36-98ce-be40-6524-fb6aa57c42f8",
    "confirmationDueDate": "2009-01-10",
    "employmentStatus": "ACTIVE_EMPLOYMENT",
    "grossSalary": 69926.0,
    "spouse": "Mst. Farida Afroj",
    "joinDateActual": "2008-07-10",
    "payType": "PAY_SCALE",
    "marriageDate": "2008-05-16",
    "weekEndDayName": "FRIDAY",
    "secondPmtMethodPercent": 20.021165231816493,
    "workShiftRotated": false,
    "version": 1160,
    "currPositionSince": "2022-04-05",
    "salaryAmountForThePeriod": "MONTHLY",
    "basicSalary": 41956.0,
    "payscaleOrPaystructure": "PAY_SCALE_STRUCTURE",
    "lastName": "Chowdhury",
    "updateDate": "2022-04-05",
    "gender": "MALE",
    "salaryAmountSecondaryPmt": 14000.0,
    "payBonus": true,
    "attendCardId": "001353",
    "employeeCode": "001353",
    "jobOffered": false,
    "salaryAmount": 55926.0,
    "prPmtMethodSecondary": "PAYMENT_IN_CASH",
    "phoneWorkPabx": "09609009009",
    "withHoldSalary": false,
    "phoneMobile": "01811409867",
    "emplNumber": "001353",
    "totalSalaryAmount": 69926.0,
    "prPmtMethod": "DIRECT_BANK_TRANSFER",
    "emailCompany": "it2@bengal.com.bd",
    "emplDate": "2008-07-10",
    "confirmationDate": "2009-01-10",
    "fatherName": "Md. Ali Hossain Chowdhury",
    "jobTitle": "Manager (System and Network Operation}",
    "signatureUpdateDate": "2022-04-27",
    "bloodGroup": "O+",
    "probationPeriodMonths": 6.0,
    "bankAccount": "1001236001267",
    "emergencyContact": "01745635293",
    "motherName": "Mrs. Khurshida Begum",
    "firstName": "Md. Aminul",
    "salaryApproveDate": "2022-02-13 12:43:59.950",
    "name": "Md. Aminul Islam Chowdhury",
    "jobDescription": "The IT Manager covers the strategic and operational management of activities related to System and Network Operation in an organization. Technology Support, Applications, Systems and/or any combination of the three. Management serves as a strategic partner in the attainment of ",
    "maritalStatus": "MARRIED",
    "numberOfChild": 2,
     "salaryReadyForApp": true,
    "payOvertime": false,
    "salaryApproved": true,
    "scheduleWorkCalendar": true,
    "payPeriod": "MONTHLY",
    "company": {
        "_entityName": "erp$Company",
        "_instanceName": "BPK",
        "id": "84634f98-2c99-4415-fba4-6d78b1a2fddf",
        "version": 9,
        "compId": "BPK"
    "permanentAddress": "Khushi Menson, House No: 40, Hazi Sultan Colony, Po: Maijdee Court, PS: Sadar",
    "joinDatePlanned": "2008-07-10",
    "emplType": "PERMANENT",
    "birthDate": "1984-05-01",
    "jobAppointmentIssued": false,
    "currentAddress": "Hope Kunjho, 61, Omar Ali Lane, Rampura",
    "imposeLatePenalty": true

As an alternative approach, I used view in the GET command and it is still missing.

Here is my view:

Here is my command in POSTMAN:

here is the result:

    "_entityName": "erp$Employee",
    "_instanceName": "BPK 001353 Md. Aminul Islam Chowdhury",
    "id": "ef5c0b36-98ce-be40-6524-fb6aa57c42f8",
    "employeeCode": "001353",
    "name": "Md. Aminul Islam Chowdhury",
    "company": {
        "_entityName": "erp$Company",
        "_instanceName": "BPK",
        "id": "84634f98-2c99-4415-fba4-6d78b1a2fddf",
        "compId": "BPK"

As you see, attendLatitude and attendLongiture fields are missing in the result.

Any suggestions?

Found the issue, it was an authorization issue with the REST role.