Migration Required?

Hi all. Hope you’re doing fine.

From this morning on I have a problem when creating or opening a project.
I got this window:

If I try to launch the migration, I have the error message

13:54 build.gradle file not found: C:\Users\xxxxxxx\StudioProjects\accesscheck\build.gradle

however the file exists at the specified location.

When I reopen the project I need to re-import the Gradle Project.

It isn’t blocking but weird. Any advice?

CUBA Platform version: 7.2.8
CUBA Studio plugin version: 14.0-193
IntelliJ version: CUBA Studio 2019.3

Thanks for your feedback.

Could you please attach logs? (Help -> Show Log in Explorer)
Do you experience this issue for all projects you open or create?
If no and it is some specific project, please also attach build.gradle and settings.gradle files for this project.

Hi Alexander.

Thanks for your reply.

The log is attached. It happens for all projects I’m opening. In deed, when I open a project, the CUBA view isn’t available under the project tree and I have to go to CUBA > Re-import project Gradle. And here I’ve the popup + the error message.

idea.log (1.8 MB)

Could it be linked to the anti-virus?


According to the log you attached there are disabled plugins in your CUBA Studio:
2020-10-08 07:37:10,136 [ 6506] INFO - llij.ide.plugins.PluginManager - Disabled plugins: Gradle-Java (193.7288.140), Gradle-Maven (193.7288.140)
This can be the cause of the issue.
Please enable this plugins and try to open any CUBA project.

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It fixed the issue. Thanks a lot.
