I have project in cuba 6.10.15. I want to migrate to jmix. I know I should migrate first to cuba 7.* to have in intellij available option Migrate to jmix. But when I try to do this I get the error Could not GET ‘https://repo.cuba-platform.com/content/groups/premium/com/haulmont/cuba/cuba-web-themes/7.2.0/cuba-web-themes-7.2.0.pom’. Received status code 403 from server.
I have premium user and pass in build.gradle and in gradle.properties.
I manually login to cuba repo and search for cuba-web-themes. It seems that there are only versions to 6.* there and there is no version 7.*.
Could you help me with that ?
I have few environments … test, preprod, prod … How can I get script with neccessary changes in database instead of making them during migration automatically ?
Best regards