Hi there!
I have two Entities: A User and a Role. They are in a many to many relation.
I want to open the User Edit Screen to add a Role to that User. If I add a Role to the User the Roles which are already associated to the User shouldn’t appear in the list of the Loopup Screen. How do I do that?
This is what I tried, but it does not work:
public void onRoleAdd(Component source) {
Map<String, Object> blacklist = CollectionUtils.createMap("blacklist", new HashSet<>());
if (getItem() != null && getItem().getCurrentRoles() != null) {
blacklist = CollectionUtils.createMap("blacklist", getItem().getCurrentRoles());
openLookup("profilegen$Role.browse", item -> add(item),
private void add(Collection item) {
Role role = (Role) item.iterator().next();
Set<Role> roles = getItem().getCurrentRoles();
//TODO: roles are not added!
The RoleBrowse ScreenControler looks like this:
public class RoleBrowse extends QuickSearchLookup{
private CollectionDatasource<Role, UUID> rolesDs;
private Set<Role> blacklist;
public void init(Map<String, Object> params){
blacklist = (Set<Role>) params.get("blacklist");
setSearchChangeListener(x -> {
return null;
private void updateBlacklist() {
if (blacklist != null) {
blacklist.forEach(role -> rolesDs.excludeItem(role));
Excluding the Items in the RoleBrowse screen works well! My problem is that the Role is not added to the user, when I save the user. The Role appears in the UserEdit Screen. But When I hit save and reopen the User, the Role is gone.
Role successfully excluded:
New Role added:
after saving the user and reopening it the role is gone: