Manifest File is missing in UberJar


I am facing an issue while building UberJar, for some reason the Manifest file is missing in the UberJar jar file and hence it couldn’t be started.

note that I am using the buildUberJar task in build.gradle, I have used the same task thousands of times before and i haven’t changed it’s parameters at all.

Below are my observations with no solution:

  • the UberJar seems to be corrupted as when I extract it it shows error message at the end of the extraction but the old UberJars are extracted successfully.
  • I have checked one of the old UberJar files, and i noticed that the manifest file is there and it has 1 entry in ./META-INF/MANIFEST.MF as following:
    “Main-Class: com.haulmont.uberjar.ServerRunner”
  • I tried to debug the gradle task called “CubaUberJarBuilding” but i couldn’t attached a debugger to it.
  • I reinstalled IntelliJ but the issue is still there.
  • The same task is working fine from other machines.

Any help is much appreciated.

see topic: uberJar creates app.jar with 0 Byte MANIFEST.MF - #9 от пользователя stefan.kraus - CUBA.Platform