I’m using LookUpField in a <fieldGroup> with optionsDatasource, and it fetches the data correctly… however the limit is up to 10000 (top 10000). How can I force to retrieve all data?
I need to lookup into an entity which retrieves more than 100000 rows. Do you have any best practices for using LookUpField on this kind of situations (with a lot of data), with examples ?
I configured and it’s searching, the popup list is showed but when I select one result and save the entity, it says that the propriety is null.
Do you know what am I doing wrong ?
<field property="mainPoint">
<suggestionField id="suggestionField" property="mainPoint">
<query entityClass="com.company.points.ZPoint"
select e from rbd$ZPoint e where e.pointVal like :searchString