I just stumbled upon the CUBA platform and have a few questions about it as the documentation and demo’s feel lacking a bit. I am a freelance developer, primarily of database applications. More and more of my clients wish to move over to multi platform web applications and I would like to know if CUBA can be used for this purpose.
I am looking for solutions that would allow me to create front end interfaces for sales teams to record sales and issue invoices as well as for management teams to review stats and performance. All of my systems run on the MySQL\MariaDB back ends and thus the apps should be able to connect to these back ends. I am not interested in the MyPHPAdmin CRUD like views. I would prefer to have proper forms and reports, something along the lines of Access Forms, or Jasper Reports etc.
I saw with the taxi example that stats similar to Power BI can be drafted, which is good, but would CUBA be able to handle user forms for capturing info etc.
> I am not interested in the MyPHPAdmin CRUD like views. I would prefer to have proper forms and reports, something along the lines of Access Forms, or Jasper Reports etc.
CUBA, although it has some kind of such a CRUD view that you talk about, the normal use case is to create custom screens for entities. Therefore you are at the exact same position like with any other UI definition tool (Access Forms, WPF, Java Swing etc). To give you a first idea about how a normal UI in CUBA looks like, you can take a look at the Library example app. Basically the sky is the limit here. You don’t have any restrictions within the boundaries of the underlying technologies (like Vaadin in this case). This should be more customizibility that the average business application needs.
Regarding reports, there is a premium extension on CUBA that allows you to create reports (as PDF, XSLX, DOCX etc). You can find an example of this in the library app as well (in Main menu > Reports).
If you want to try it, you can use the CUBA studio feature of generating an application from an existing database. This way you probably have an application up and running within a coulpe of minutes. The downside of that is, that you might get a wrong (more CRUD like) impression of the UI screens, because the generation part is only capabale of creating screens from what the meta information of the DB allows it to see (or guess). So additionally i would suggest to just create a standard application with on / two of your entities and go through the different phases of development.