Localized dynamic attributes


I’m using Cuba Platform 6.7.3, and now dynamic attributes are localized : great job !
However, i have some questions :

  1. I’m trying to use a dynamic attribute of type enum (localized) inside a groupTable but the column header is not localized and the column values shown are the enum item code instead of the enum item localized value.
    I’m using this syntax in my layout <column id="+MyDynLocAttribute"/>
    Is there some specific setup to apply ?

  2. When i try to use the standard filter function on a table with a dynamic attribute (Add search condition => Dynamic Attributes…), the names of dynamic attributes shown in the list are not localized ?

Thanks a lot for your help and your feedback.


Baptiste D.


Thank you for reporting the problem.

  1. If a dynamic attribute is set manually in the table xml, so locales feature not provided. You can add localized enumeration value to the table by setting visibility screen to your CategoryAttribute.
  2. Yes, Filter shows incorrect non localized captions for dynamic attributes. We have created a YouTrack issue, see the link.

The issue is fixed in the Platform version 6.7.6.