Linux unable o build UberJar

I have a project and I build it via IDE and gradlew on Windows. I try to build it on Centos 7 via gradlew buildUberJar and build finishes ok but when I try to run it has a problem with opening JAR. I try to unzip it and I was unable to do it. I have checked the jar with unzip -t and got the following issues:
error: invalid compressed data to inflate META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
error: invalid compressed data to inflate LIB-INF/shared/META-INF/spring.schemas
error: invalid compressed data to inflate LIB-INF/shared/META-INF/spring.handlers


We have fixed an issue with while UberJar building in 7.2.5 platform version. See buildUberJar create empty manifest file when using Java 8 · Issue #140 · cuba-platform/cuba-gradle-plugin · GitHub

Try to update your platfrorm version.

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