Limitations of Jelastic deployments

according to the doc page here: Deployment to Jelastic Cloud - CUBA Platform. Developer’s Manual
CUBA deployment in Jelastic have the following limitations:

  • Only PostgreSQL and HSQL RDBMS are supported
  • Only Tomcat 8.x
  • Only Java 8

Unfortunately there’s no mention on WHY this is the case, and if that’s something that can be overcome by some other manual configurations.

With regard of the RDBMS, I’m ok with Postgres so no problem here.
But I’d like to be able to deploy on Tomcat 9.x and more importantly, under Java 11 (using Amazon Corretto with Shenandoah GC).

So my question is: how can I deploy CUBA on Jelastic under Java 11/Tomcat 9.x, and if it’s really impossible, why?

Thx for your support,

Hi Paolo,

The documentation explains the scenario that was tested and 100% worked, at least at the time of writing. That doesn’t mean other options don’t work. You can try to use Java 11 and Tomcat 9 and share your experience.


Thank you @knstvk for the reply.

I’m in direct contact with Ruslan (CEO of Jelastic) for another project, but I’d like to do more testing with CUBA on Jelastic, and maybe prepare a tailor made environment for CUBA based apps to be included officially in their marketplace.
I’ll keep you posted.


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Hi @pfurini,
We’ve been using CUBA on Jelastic with Tomcat 9 and Java 8 for some time. We have an On-Premises Jelastic installation.

We created a custom Tomcat docker image (based on jelastic/tomcat:9.0.31-adoptopenjdk-8.0_242) and created a JPS to automate the environment creation. The environment consists of only 2 layers: NGINX and Tomcat.

Feel free to ask any questions you may have.


Thanks, good to know you run on Tomcat 9 without issues!

I’ll try myself different setups, first without using custom images, then I’ll try with docker images based on both 8 and 11 jdk, just as you did.

I’ll bother you again if I have some issues :wink:


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