Please see in attached screenshot that when I export PDF out of a serial line AM Chart it says saved from {website domain}. I have following questions for that:
In which file I have to give message key label.save.from for it to show properly
Can I hide it completely?
(Gleb Gorelov)
September 14, 2017, 11:22am
Currently, you’re only able to remove the caption from the generated PDF by defining native json with export configuration. For instance:
сhart.setNativeJson("{\"export\":{\"enabled\":true,\"menu\":[{\"class\"" +
":\"export-main\",\"menu\":[\"PNG\",\"JPG\",\"CSV\",{\"format\":\"PDF\",\"content\"" +
I’ve created a YouTrack issue. See the link on the right.
(Gleb Gorelov)
September 14, 2017, 3:54pm
Alternatively, you can set native json within XML descriptor, be adding the nativeJson element to a chart. For example:
September 14, 2017, 3:54pm