Label breaks table

I’ve been struggling with this for a few hours now, and we just found when we use the label inside the layout, it breaks the table, and it can not pull data from the collection.

if we remove the label it works fine

I just noticed it’s not only the lable, but any object breaks the table, there you can see a brief video of it breaking:

Cuba Bug Video

its worth noting I am working on a fragment.
also there is no onBeforeShow for fragments?


I assume that a fragment has AUTO height. As a result, a table with relative height (since you expand a table, it ignores the height attribute and has a relative height) shrinks to the header size only. Without the full source code it only an assumption.

I would recommend using the Analyze Layout action that analyzes typical layout problems. In order to invoke it, right-click on the screen caption and select Analyze Layout menu item.


hey thanks for responding, but no, the fragment has 100% height. the problem is the tables are not getting any data as soon as i place either a label or a button within the layout. as you can see in the screenshots it displays data when there is no additional items, but breaks when we put anything else in the layout.

also, there are no problems in the layout.

Screenshot 2020-06-23 10.15.12


Could you please provide a source code for a screen that includes a fragment? Since the layout and logic are complex the demo project is highly appreciated.


We just figured out what causes this issue,
If I expand the layout box to the contests, it will not allow my table to show any records, for some reason I do not quite understand. The fix we found is, placing all the contents inside a vbox, and expanding the layout to the vbox itself will fix the issue.



We have spent hours on this looking for a cause for this problem and this is kind of an accidental fix:

where is the HTML:

client issues.rar (6.9 KB)