Kotlin hot deploy fail

I’m experiencing problems with hot deploy. When I make such a change in one of the views, it reports errors and does not make the changes, which may be causing it if the compilation is correct and does not present a problem?

Hot deploy compilation errors:
Cannot access class 'EntityManager'. Check your module classpath for missing or conflicting dependencies
Unresolved reference: persist
Cannot access class 'Persistence'. Check your module classpath for missing or conflicting dependencies

Anything I can review and correct?


Nelson F.

Hi! Could you turn on CUBA debug logs (CUBA -> Advanced -> Enable DEBUG Logging level), reproduce the problem, and attach idea.log (Help -> Show Logs in ...)

Thanks @shustanov , apparently the solution was to change the jdk I was using with the project. I changed it from jdk8 to jdk11.


Nelson F.