Kotlin Entity related broken


CUBA Platform version: 7.2.1
CUBA Studio plugin version: 13.0-191
IntelliJ version: IntelliJ IDEA 2019.3.3 (Community Edition)

Using Kotlin, when setting the Related attributes on a transient field, the code generated looks:

// example a    
@MetaProperty(related = "phoneNumbers")
// example b
@MetaProperty(related = {"firstName", "lastName"})

IntelliJ complains about both, apparently it should read:

// example a    
@MetaProperty(related = ["phoneNumbers"])
// example b
@MetaProperty(related = ["firstName", "lastName"])

I can change manually, but every time I use the designer this gets broken again.


  1. List item

Hi! Thank you for reporting the problem. I have created new issue in our bugtracker.