see below screen-shot is it possible to import bulk data in cuba from excel file :
Here payhead and employee is different tables
because issue with blank row as below.
see below screen-shot is it possible to import bulk data in cuba from excel file :
Here payhead and employee is different tables
because issue with blank row as below.
By default this situation cannot be handled by the data impprt addon.
The underlying assumption is that one row represents one entity to import.
What you can do is that you change the excel file slightly so that you are able to import it.
It seems what you want to express is a one to many relationship between the employee entity and the pay head entity.
If you change the file to contain the payheads as a csv colum, which contains all items, then you can write some code as a custom binding script (cuba-component-data-import/ at master · mariodavid/cuba-component-data-import · GitHub).
Do the pay head attributes already exists in the DB and you just want to reference them, or should those be created on the fly?
Thanks Mario,
I have recently view your reply, i have now change some scenario like i have create three different Import Configuration as you can see in below screen - shot
I have create three configuration…
First configuration is take only five column 1 to 5.
second configuration take another 5 column 6 to 10 and
thired configuration take another 5 column 11 to 15 and admin required to import this things in sequence and its work nicely, but i have one question that admin need to import same file three times so is there any way to execute this three configuration one by one automatically like only one time admin need to import first configuration and remaining two will execute automatically.
Or is there any way to read excel data with different sheets so i can easily bind the data in different tables.
Yes pay head attributes already exists in the DB