Is cuba suitable for creating an Online-shop?

Hi everyone, for a school project I was asked to develop a kind of online store using cuba platform.I’ve been reading the documentation and my problem is that I didn’t understand , how to create a front-end user interface or a java application for desktop.
What i could do So far, it has been creating the various entities and associations and showing entities with generic ui (edit and browse) in the web-client. Can anyone help me? Thanks in advance

Basically, the CUBA.platform is intended for creating enterprise applications, but you have few options to use a CUBA for your online shop:

  1. use prebuilt UI components library for web or desktop clients;
  2. use our Polymer client;
  3. create your own client application and use CUBA as backend.
    To be able to use the same screen in web and desktop modules you should create it in the gui module. The web module is created automatically. To add a desktop module open the ‘Project Properties’ tab in the CUBA Studio, click the ‘Manage Modules’ button and choose ‘Create desktop client module’ option:
    The Polymer client can be added by the same way. Documentation for the Polymer client can be found here: link.
    To use a CUBA for the backend application you can take a look at our prebuilt REST API: link.
    Also, you can find an example of our prebuilt Polymer client (as web UI alternative) and AngularJS (as a portal) on the GitHub: link.
    Best regards,


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Thanks Daniil for your answer! I’ve only one more question : is it possible to build a web client or portal client with a login function,showing products from the data model into table etc, etc… using only java since i can only use java language if i had to follow the specifications…

Of course. We are positioning the CUBA.platform as a framework that requires only Java programming language knowledge and it is really true.
I suggest that you take a look at Quick Start (link) and try to create a simple application.
Best regards,

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Thanks daniil! :slight_smile: