IntelliJ IDEA CE & Cuba Plugin don't recognize additional data store


We created a Cuba project with Cuba Studio’s next version:
CUBA Platform version: 7.2.6
CUBA Studio plugin version: 13.4-191
IntelliJ version: CUBA Studio 2019.2

There’s an additional data store defined on the project:

Additional Data Store 1

But, when same project is opened with IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition & Cuba Plugin the additional data store doesn’t appear on the project explorer:

CUBA Platform version: 7.2.6
CUBA Studio plugin version: 14.3-193
IntelliJ version: IntelliJ IDEA 2020.1.4 (Community Edition)

Additional Data Store 2

Could you help us with this trouble?

Thanks in advance


Could you share your idea.log file from Idea with CUBA Plugin installed? Help -> Show Log in Explorer.

Hi, Alexander.

Here you have the file.


Xavieridea.log (334.6 KB)

Thank you. Do not see anything strange in the logs. Could you please attach your project build.gradle file, file from core module, then enable debug logs (CUBA -> Advanced -> Enable DEBUG Logging Level), re-reproduce the problem and attach the logs again?

Hi, Alexander.

Files which name begins with “INITIAL_” are initial files, before opening the project without enabling debugging.

Files with “FINAL_” prefix are those created after checking out the project from Subversion repository with debugging enabled.

The only thing I can make to reproduce the problem is expanding the project explorer tree and to check that the additional data store isn’t showed.

Is very strange, isn’t? This time the project has been created from scratch downloading the source code from the Subversion repository.

Regards, (112.5 KB)

As I can see, your does not have cuba.additionalStores property. Please, add it with the value TE_CON_CUBATE.

I guess, CUBA Studio removed it for some unclear reason. Could you try to add the property back, and write here, if it disappears again?

Hi, Alexander.

I tried to include cuba.additionalStores property in the file but unfortunately IJ shows following error:
IJ error

This error appeared sometimes when the project is loaded.

The most important question is why the cuba.additionalStores property is missing in file but Cuba Studio loads perfectly the project and shows correctly the additional data store on the project explorer tree.

The problem appeared when we tried to use IJ Community Edition with Cuba plugin.

Any idea for this question?


Has additional datastore appeared after you add the property? This sort of error you see should not affect CUBA Studio behavior.

If you still have a problem, could you send your project to my direct messages?

Hi, Alexander.

Solved!. When the property was added, the additional data store was shown on the project explorer tree.


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