We created a Cuba project with Cuba Studio’s next version:
CUBA Platform version: 7.2.6
CUBA Studio plugin version: 13.4-191
IntelliJ version: CUBA Studio 2019.2
There’s an additional data store defined on the project:
But, when same project is opened with IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition & Cuba Plugin the additional data store doesn’t appear on the project explorer:
CUBA Platform version: 7.2.6
CUBA Studio plugin version: 14.3-193
IntelliJ version: IntelliJ IDEA 2020.1.4 (Community Edition)
Thank you. Do not see anything strange in the logs. Could you please attach your project build.gradle file, app.properties file from core module, then enable debug logs (CUBA -> Advanced -> Enable DEBUG Logging Level), re-reproduce the problem and attach the logs again?
I tried to include cuba.additionalStores property in the app.properties file but unfortunately IJ shows following error:
This error appeared sometimes when the project is loaded.
The most important question is why the cuba.additionalStores property is missing in app.properties file but Cuba Studio loads perfectly the project and shows correctly the additional data store on the project explorer tree.
The problem appeared when we tried to use IJ Community Edition with Cuba plugin.