Init method with ready not support for EntityCombinedScreen

Init method not support for EntityCombinedScreen how to solve it

What do you mean by “not support”? There methods are available in EntityCombinedScreen.

Below example, Styles are not appending in particular column and If Click Create button in screen “it display as No Such edit Screen is there”

For eg:

private Button createBtn;

private GroupTable<DeficiencyTier> table;

public void init(Map<String, Object> params) {

    table.setStyleProvider((entity, property) -> {
            switch (entity.getSignal()) {
                case Red:
                    return "premium-grade";
                case Green:
                    return "high-grade";
                case Yellow:
                    return "standard-grade";
                    return null;
        return null;



public void ready() {
    // Get On ready
     System.out.println("Ruinng ready method on DeficiencyTier");
    com.vaadin.ui.Button commit = createBtn.unwrap(com.vaadin.ui.Button.class);
    JavaScriptExtention js= new JavaScriptExtention(commit);



Call the super.init(params); method first, and it will work.

Thanks,Its working

But,I have one issue that for table.setStyleProvider method - I got NULL Pointer exception