I may have found some inconsistencies when changing module prefix from Project Properties.
- Change module prefix, in my case from app to board
- gradlew assemble
- gradlew setupTomcat
- gradlew deploy
At this point I noticed that launching the application with ‘catalina.sh run’ local.app.properties and db scripts were searched in conf/app-core and webapps/app-core, resulting in failure to launch the server. Copying board-core directories to app-core in some way used both of them, and so I was able to start the server.
After further investigations, I found that changing module prefix and cleaning everything from Studio (clean, remove IDEA, assemble, create IDEA, create gradlew) kept some references to app-core in my project:
“cuba.webContextName = app-core” in modules/core/src/app.properties
“cuba.connectionUrlList = http://localhost:8080/app-core” in modules/web/src/web-app.properties
and, perhaps more significantly,
in modules/core/web/WEB-INF/web.xml.
I don’t know if the first two are only pertinent to Studio, but I can find the third reference in the same place after building the app in tomcat.