Including self made library


I developed a library to issue payments to financial institutions and am trying to include them in my project to be used inside Services. I am a full ignorant of gradle.

For that I am using my local Maven repo, where my library is easily included in other projects, and after following a couple of similar questions, though the project syncs fails, it runs fine, but the library is not reachable.

I am opening the build.gradle file and the build script is:

buildscript {
ext.cubaVersion = '7.1.1'
repositories { 
    maven {
        url ''


dependencies {
    classpath "com.haulmont.gradle:cuba-plugin:$cubaVersion"
    classpath "com.sofia:SepaMessaging:1.0-SNAPSHOT"


the secon classpath points to my library (SepaMessaging)

Can anybody hint me on the right direction?

Many thanks.



You can use CUBA Studio UI to add project dependencies, and avoid modifying the build.gradle manually.
Take a look at the Studio manual:

Thank you. The manual gave exact indications on how to achieve it.

Sorry for not checking first. Though having the link to the Cuba Studio guide didn’t happen to check there.


Carlos Conti.