It would be very helpful to have an import CSV action, which will bulk upload an entity…
I think the need is there, since I have seen a lot of cuba-users being interested about this. And for a Enterprise App, this is quite demanded, because not all the time end-users would like to enter 10000s of entries manually…
It would be nice to have it even as add-on or free version…
you might be right, although i see some problems with CSV especially. But anyway here’s a little hint: why don’t you use use the JSON import facility on the entity inspector for now? Should do the trick as well…
You are right, data import is a common task, but it involves a whole lot of things: mapping to entities, registering jobs, some UI, etc. So we don’t want to include it to the platform core but instead we are going to make it as an application component. We already have a prototype, so it won’t take much time. I hope it will be available in the next few months when we create the public repository of addons.
That would be great to have something very soon.
One of the idea, could be : once the user uploads the csv/xls file, there is a popup (window),left panel identifying all columns of that csv file, on the right panel you have you can select a Cuba entity and map columns … Similar to what you can find in SQL Server.
I cannot promise you any concrete time frames, but it is certainly one of the most wanted add-ons and we’ll start working on it in the highest priority.
If you decide not to wait but to implement it yourself, please don’t hesitate asking assistance from our side.